Frequently Asked Questions
THE CHRONOSPHERE AGENCY OF TIME is a non-governmental entity in charge of detecting anomalies in the fabric of universe space / time and working to get them resolved with a lot of heart and soul, thus avoiding catastrophic consequences.
CHRONONAUT, or time traveler, is the term by which the qualified agents recruited by THE CHRONOSPHERE are commonly known. Their main objective is to complete the MISSION assigned by THE AGENCY to them satisfactorily and in the shortest amount of time possible.
A MISSION of THE CHRONOSPHERE is an adventure plenty of mystery, investigation and fun, based on riddles and puzzles in an Escape Room, in which CHRONONAUTS will have the important goal of restoring normality in the affected timeline by solving the anomalies that were found there.
What is an Escape Room?
An Escape Room is a leisure and entertainment activity in which a group of people is voluntarily locked up in one or several rooms, only being able to leave them after having completed satisfactorily all puzzles that are set for them within the maximum period of time established for it.
Where can I find more information and help?
If all the information gathered in this Frequently Asked Questions section is not enough or there is still any doubt about how to participate or whether MISSIONS are adapted to all agents, CHRONONAUTS can get the complete regulation of THE AGENCY by clicking here or by contacting directly to THE CHRONOSPHERE to consult any additional question that may arise.
Frequently Asked Questions
About MISSIONS (Part I)
How can I participate in a MISSION?
A group of CHRONONAUTS can register and take part in a MISSION by booking their place in the corresponding section of the official website of THE CHRONOSPHERE AGENCY OF TIME. The regulation of THE AGENCY regarding making reservations include detailed information on considerations to be taken into account.
Can I change the date on which a MISSION was booked?
If CHRONONAUTS cannot attend the designated MISSION, it is possible to change the booked date and time, if and when THE CHRONOSPHERE is notified sufficiently in advance so it can divert the energy and resources used in the opening of the portal to the new timeline selected by the agents. The regulation of THE AGENCY regarding modifications to the schedule of processed reservations include complete information on observations to be considered.
Are there any recommendations before traveling to a MISSION?
Due to the importance that everything goes according to plan and the destination timeline is saved, it is very important that CHRONONAUTS pay attention at all times to the indications THE CHRONOSPHERE provides them. Likewise, it is important that agents review the report they will find upon arrival at the facilities of THE AGENCY with all requirements and relevant information of the MISSION they have to complete.
How many available MISSIONS are there?
At this time, THE CHRONOSPHERE has only registered one anomaly in space / time that must be resolved as soon as possible, although all detection systems of THE AGENCY are looking for new irregularities constantly so its keen and expert agents may work in solving them.
Do MISSIONS have a component of fear or terror?
It is really impossible to foresee the nature of a MISSION. However, in their final reports no CHRONONAUT has mentioned having felt terror, but suspense, surprise, emotion and lots of fun.
Are there international MISSIONS?
Of course, in addition to Spanish, some MISSION has already been registered in English. Likewise, THE CHRONOSPHERE keeps on working on detecting more anomalies in any location in space or moment in time.
How long does it take to complete a MISSION?
Although total duration of every MISSION depends on the speed agents solve anomalies they find, in any case it is unfeasible for THE CHRONOSPHERE to keep the return portal open for more than one hour due to all resources and energy it consumes.
Frequently Asked Questions
About MISSIONS (Part II)
What happens if a MISSION is not completed on time?
THE CHRONOSPHERE AGENCY OF TIME would never leave its agents behind. Before a MISSION fails, THE AGENCY will return CHRONONAUTS quickly to their epoch of origin and will seal the open portal to the lost timeline to prevent the catastrophes that happened in it from spreading to this or any other existing parallel reality.
How much is participating in a MISSION?
Opening a portal in the fabric of space / time requires a lot of resources and energy to THE CHRONOSPHERE and, in addition, depends on the number of agents involved and the moment in which the breach in the fabric has to be opened. All this information will be available to CHRONONAUTS at the time of signing up for a MISSION.
When will the costs of a MISSION be paid?
As a general rule, THE CHRONOSPHERE charges the costs at the time of formalising the reservation of a place in a MISSION. Although some cases of modification may lead to imbalances in the paid amounts and in the final ones, in any case the total costs must have been regularised and paid before starting the MISSION.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many CHRONONAUTS can attend simultaneously?
Although an experienced and reckless agent could manage to solve a MISSION on their own, THE CHRONOSPHERE AGENCY OF TIME recommends CHRONONAUTS organise themselves into groups from two to six agents before coming to complete any MISSION.
What happens if the group of CHRONONAUTS is larger?
Jouneys in space / time require a consumption of resources that grows with the number of agents sent exponentially. Unfortunately, because of this reason, THE CHRONOSPHERE cannot assign more than six CHRONONAUTS to any MISSION.
Can the number of CHRONONAUTS assigned to a MISSION increase?
If the group of CHRONONAUTS that booked a MISSION is increased within the maximum limit allowed, it will be necessary to notify THE CHRONOSPHERE sufficiently in advance so it can prepare additional batteries for the portal generators which will allow all agents to travel together. All considerations to take into account in relation to changes in the number of participants are included in the regulation of THE AGENCY.
What is the minimum age that a CHRONONAUT can be?
Although THE CHRONOSPHERE has agents of all ages solving MISSIONS entrusted to them courageously, it is always recommended a minimum age of fourteen years old to be able to take full advantage of them. In any case, legal minor age agents must be always accompanied by an adult CHRONONAUT who can provide them with their help, experience and knowledge.
What time CHRONONAUTS must attend to THE AGENCY?
One of the most characteristic features that distinguishes every CHRONONAUT is punctuality. They always come to THE CHRONOSPHERE at the exact moment they booked their place to carry a MISSION out, neither before nor after.
What happens when CHRONONAUTS are not on time?
THE CHRONOSPHERE will have used all required energy to have the portal open and available at the exact time in which CHRONONAUTS booked their place in the MISSION. Delaying the arrival would result in having less time to complete it or might be even definitively cancelled if THE AGENCY considered the MISSION was abandoned.
What recommendations do CHRONONAUTS need?
THE CHRONOSPHERE always selects agents who are curious about everything they find, who know how to collaborate with their colleagues and work as a team, who parallelise tasks in order to solve more enigmas in the shortest possible time and, above all, who leave no trace of their work by taking the utmost care about not forcing any of the present objects at the MISSION destination.
Frequently Asked Questions
What clothing is the most suitable for CHRONONAUTS?
Agents of THE CHRONOSPHERE AGENCY OF TIME never wear uniform considering that it would be very difficult to camouflage and go unnoticed in their quotidian lives. Nevertheless, they always choose comfortable clothes to carry any MISSION out. Furthermore, THE AGENCY will value positively and take into account all those agents who wear a trench coat, wide-brimmed hat and monocle for a promotion.
Do all CHRONONAUTS have to resolve every enigma?
MISSIONS have puzzles of a very diverse nature, such as logic games or differentiation of colors or sounds. At THE CHRONOSPHERE we believe in enhancing habilities of every single CHRONONAUT and, above all, in teamwork, so it is not necessary for each agent to have to solve each puzzle individually. However, all of them do have to be resolved by the group of CHRONONAUTS that participate in order to complete the MISSION successfully.
What happens if CHRONONAUTS get stuck without progressing?
THE CHRONOSPHERE has numerous incognito agents deployed in all timelines in charge of notifying THE AGENCY when they detect any anomaly. All these agents know perfectly well how to make contact with CHRONONAUTS assigned to any MISSION to provide them, even those most isolated ones, with indications, advice, help, instructions and relevant clues.
Can a pregnant CHRONONAUT take part in a MISSION?
Of course. Nevertheless, THE CHRONOSPHERE recommends that they take special care to avoid hitting or tripping in the course of the MISSION and that they delegate the participation in possible acrobatic events to other agents, if any.
Can CHRONONAUTS with functional diversity participate?
Of course. THE CHRONOSPHERE advocates diversity, so its facilities are fully designed so that all agents can carry MISSIONS out under the same conditions. In any case, it is recommended that agents with functional diversity come with other CHRONONAUTS who accompany them to get the most out of the experience and completely enjoy the MISSION where THE AGENCY sends them.
Can CHRONONAUTS with any illness participate?
Of course. THE CHRONOSPHERE only assigns MISSIONS to its agents depending on their experience, always guaranteeing their physical and mental safety. By any means possible, THE AGENCY recommends that those agents with heart problems, epilepsy, claustrophobia or migraines, as well as those CHRONONAUTS highly frightened or impressionable, take special precaution.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if a CHRONONAUT needs to return to the present?
The safety of CHRONONAUTS is paramount to THE CHRONOSPHERE AGENCY OF TIME. At the same destination, agents will find an emergency quantum trigger that, after activating it, will allow them to immediately return to the facilities of THE AGENCY. Unfortunately, in these cases, the MISSION will fail and the affected timeline will be lost forever.
What are CHRONONAUTS forbidden?
Among others, THE CHRONOSPHERE considers it serious infractions to use mobile phones or electronic or recording devices without consent, to deliberately force or damage the infrastructure or other agents, to come to a MISSION with indications of not being in optimal physical and/or intellectual faculties or to consume tobacco, alcohol or any other narcotic substance in the facilities of THE AGENCY.
What happens to CHRONONAUTS who break the regulation?
Even though CHRONONAUTS are characterized by their education, temperance, obedience and decorum, THE CHRONOSPHERE, apart from reserving the right of admission, includes in its statutes sanctions of suspension without pay, expulsion and even compensation for the uttermost serious infractions.